Upland Cress
Barbarea verna
Upland Cress was a popular cold weather salad green in colonial America. Called “scurvy grass” in the 1700s, its leaves are rich in Vitamin C thus useful for correcting the dietary condition leading to scurvy. The flavor is like watercress and can be used in place of watercress in cold weather salads, cress soups, or as a garnish. Plants spread flat against the ground 6 to 8 inches in diameter and if grown under row covers, can be harvested all winter. Broadcast the seeds in a semi-shady location in the early fall (preferably September) so that seedlings are established for harvest the following spring. Plants will self-sow and overwinter in Zones 6 and warmer. Minimum 50 seeds Germination 97%. LOTRW2023-MU012.
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SKU: MU012

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