The Roughwood Center for Heritage Seedways
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Native American Collection
Wild Pigeon Semi-Pole Bean
Potawatomi Speckled Lima
Amish Nuttle Bean
BOOK-Lenape Indian Cooking
Abenaki Long Pie Squash
Iroquois Tooth Corn (Gourd Seed)
Green Striped Maycock (Pear Shaped)
Bear Path Squash (Maxatawny)
Six Nations Speckled Popcorn
Mother Corn (Speckled Sweet Corn)
Delaware Flour Corn (Puhwèm)
Etowah Cherokee Pole Bean
Munsee Wampum Bean
Potawatomi Rabbit Bean
Early Mohawk Bush Bean
Delaware Black Flour Corn (Sehsapsink)
Kenya Zebra Pole Bean (Syi Maa)
Black Shackamaxon Pole Bean
Delaware Blue Sweet Corn
Iroquois Corn Bread Bean