The Roughwood Center for Heritage Seedways
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Native American Collection
Purple Kingsessing Pole Bean
Hungarian Rice Bean
Tarbais Pole Bean (Haricot Tarbais)
Iroquois Corn Bread Bean
Iroquois Tooth Corn (Gourd Seed)
Kaulback's Tavern Bean
Red Saba Pole Lima
Early Dun Colored Pole Bean
Munsee Wampum Bean
Ohio (Miami) Pole Bean
Golden Cornhill Pole Bean
Hunsrüker Weisse Pole Bean
Botswana Blackeye Cowpea
Vetchek Pink Vining Cowpea
Etowah Cherokee Pole Bean
Black Shackamaxon Pole Bean
Early Mohawk Bush Bean
Old French Purple Fava (Feve Violette)
Stub’s Mammoth Scipio Pole Bean
Shawnee Calico Pole Bean